Preventing ischemia-reperfusion injury by acousto-mechanical local oxygen delivery

何奕儒助理教授研究團隊發表研究成果於Journal of Controlled Release



Ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury is a pathological process that causes vascular damage and dysfunction which increases recurrence and/or mortality in myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and organ transplantation. We hypothesized that ultrasound-stimulated oxygen-loaded microbubble (O2-MB) cavitation would enhance mechanical force on endothelium and simultaneously release oxygen locally at the targeted vessels. This cooperation between biomechanical and biochemical stimuli might modulate endothelial metabolism, providing a potential clinical approach to the prevention of I/R injury. Murine hindlimb and cardiac I/R models were used to demonstrate the feasibility of injury prevention by O2-MB cavitation. Increased mechanical force on endothelium induced eNOS-activated vasodilation and angiogenesis to prevent re-occlusion at the I/R vessels. Local oxygen therapy increased endothelial oxygenation that inhibited HIF-1α expression, increased ATP generation, and activated cyclin D1 for cell repair. Moreover, a decrease in interstitial H2O2 level reduced the expression of caspase3, NFκB, TNFα, and IL6, thus ameliorating inflammatory responses. O2-MB cavitation showed efficacy in maintaining cardiac function and preventing myocardial fibrosis after I/R. Finally, we present a potential pathway for the modulation of endothelial metabolism by O2-MB cavitation in relation to I/R injury, wound healing, and vascular bioeffects.

Erinacine S from Hericium erinaceus mycelium promotes neuronal regeneration by inducing neurosteroids accumulation

黃兆祺教授研究團隊發表研究成果於Journal of Food and Drug Analysis



Erinacines derived from Hericium erinaceus have been shown to possess various health benefits including neuroprotective effect against neurodegenerative diseases, yet the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Here we found that erinacine S enhances neurite outgrowth in a cell autonomous fashion. It promotes post-injury axon regeneration of PNS neurons and enhances regeneration on inhibitory substrates of CNS neurons. Using RNA-seq and bioinformatic analyses, erinacine S was found to cause the accumulation of neurosteroids in neurons. ELISA and neurosteroidogenesis inhibitor assays were performed to validate this effect. This research uncovers a previously unknown effect of erinacine S on raising the level of neurosteroids.












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Enhanced intrinsic functional connectivity in the visual system of visual artist: Implications for creativity

謝仁俊教授研究團隊發表研究成果於Frontiers in Neuroscience



Introduction: This study sought to elucidate the cognitive traits of visual artists (VAs) from the perspective of visual creativity and the visual system (i.e., the most fundamental neural correlate).


Methods: We examined the local and long-distance intrinsic functional connectivity (FC) of the visual system to unravel changes in brain traits among VAs. Twenty-seven university students majoring in visual arts and 27 non-artist controls were enrolled.


Results: VAs presented enhanced local FC in the right superior parietal lobule, right precuneus, left inferior temporal gyrus (ITG), left superior parietal lobule, left angular gyrus, and left middle occipital gyrus. VAs also presented enhanced FC with the ITG that targeted the visual area (occipital gyrus and cuneus), which appears to be associated with visual creativity.


Discussion: The visual creativity of VAs was correlated with strength of intrinsic functional connectivity in the visual system. Learning-induced neuroplasticity as a trait change observed in VAs can be attributed to the macroscopic consolidation of consociated neural circuits that are engaged over long-term training in the visual arts and aesthetic experience. The consolidated network can be regarded as virtuoso-specific neural fingerprint.



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Role of the stress-responsive two-component system CpxAR in regulating fimbriae expression in Klebsiella pneumoniae CG43

彭慧玲教授研究團隊發表研究成果於J Microbiol Immunol Infect.



Background: CpxAR is a two-component system that allows bacteria to reorganize
envelope structures in response to extracellular stimuli. CpxAR negatively affects type 1 fimbriae expression in Klebsiella pneumoniae CG43, a hypervirulent strain. The involvement of CpxAR in the regulation of type 3 fimbriae expression was investigated.
Methods: cpxAR, cpxA, and cpxR gene-specific deletion mutants were generated. The deletion effects on the expression of type 1 and type 3 fimbriae were analyzed via measuring the promoter activity, mannose sensitive yeast agglutination activity, biofilm formation, and the production of the major pilins FimA and MrkA respectively. RNA sequencing analysis of CG43S3, DcpxAR, DcpxR and Dfur was employed to study the regulatory mechanism influencing the expression of type 3 fimbriae.
Results: Deletion of cpxAR increased type 1 and type 3 fimbrial expression. Comparative transcriptomic analysis showed that the expression of oxidative stress-responsive enzymes, type 1 and type 3 fimbriae, and iron acquisition and homeostasis control systems were differentially affected by cpxAR or cpxR deletion. Subsequent analysis revealed that the small RNA RyhB negatively affects the expression of type 3 fimbriae, while CpxAR positively controls ryhB expression. Finally, the site-directed mutation of the predicted interacting sequences of RyhB with the mRNA of MrkA attenuated the RyhB repression of type 3 fimbriae.

A genome-wide association study (GWAS) of the personality constructs in CPAI-2 in Taiwanese Hakka populations

林勇欣副教授研究團隊發表研究成果於PLOS ONE



Here in this study we adopted genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to investigate the genetic components of the personality constructs in the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory 2 (CPAI-2) in Taiwanese Hakka populations, who are likely the descendants of a recent admixture between a group of Chinese immigrants with high emigration intention and a group of the Taiwanese aboriginal population generally without it. A total of 279 qualified participants were examined and genotyped by an Illumina array with 547,644 SNPs to perform the GWAS. Although our sample size is small and that unavoidably limits our statistical power (Type 2 error but not Type 1 error), we still found three genomic regions showing strong association with Enterprise, Diversity, and Logical vs. Affective Orientation, respectively. Multiple genes around the identified regions were reported to be nervous system related, which suggests that genetic variants underlying the certain personalities should indeed exist in the nearby areas. It is likely that the recent immigration and admixture history of the Taiwanese Hakka people created strong linkage disequilibrium between the emigration intention-related genetic variants and their neighboring genetic markers, so that we could identify them despite with only limited statistical power.
