Monthly Archives: 9 月 2022

MOCHI: a comprehensive cross-platform tool for amplicon-based microbiota analysis

陳亭妏副教授研究團隊發表研究成果於 Bioinformatics



Motivation: Microbiota analyses have important implications for health and science. These analyses make use of 16S/18S rRNA gene sequencing to identify taxa and predict species diversity. However, most available tools for analyzing microbiota data require adept programming skills and in-depth statistical knowledge for proper implementation. While long-read amplicon sequencing can lead to more accurate taxa predictions and is quickly becoming more common, practitioners have no easily accessible tools with which to perform their analyses.

Results: We present MOCHI, a GUI tool for microbiota amplicon sequencing analysis. MOCHI preprocesses sequences, assigns taxonomy, identifies different abundant species and predicts species diversity and function. It takes either taxonomic count table or FASTQ of partial 16S/18S rRNA or full-length 16S rRNA gene as input. It performs analyses in real time and visualizes data in both tabular and graphical formats.

Availability and implementation: MOCHI can be installed to run locally or accessed as a web tool at





網路報名時間: 111年10月5日上午9:00開放報名至111年10月11日下午5:00止

碩士班考生資料表:ODT PDF

博士班考生資料表:ODT PDF


分子醫學與生物工程研究所 徵聘啟事_約聘研究員一名

  • 職稱: (資深)約聘研究員壹名。
  • 領域專長:為配合本校及院系跨領域教學研究之發展及培育國際工程生物人才之需求,申請人需具備下列條件:

1. 工程生物科學及跨領域生物科技相關研究經驗。

2. 具備國家型研究計劃主持人經驗,以及帶領工程生物相關科學及跨領域生物科技相關研究國際團隊經驗。

3. 具備團隊領導及溝通協調能力。

三、職務說明: 執行國家型和跨國型研究計劃,協助本院與國內、外知名學術單位合作事宜。


  • 應提送資料:個人資料(含學、經歷)及研究成果,敬請提供電子檔資料。


國立陽明交通大學 生物科技學院




Multimodal single-cell analysis provides novel insights on ankylosing spondylitis in females

柯泰名助理教授研究團隊發表研究成果於 Clin Transl Med.



Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic rheumatic disease that causes disability and severe impairment in the quality of life, especially in females. However, almost nothing is known about how large heterogenous circulating immune cells are involved in developing AS. Here we used droplet-based single-cell sequencing for multi-omic profiling of PBMCs obtained from female patients and sex-matched healthy individuals and performed multimodal single-cell analyses including single-cell-level unbiased transcriptome, surface protein expression, pseudotemporal trajectory analysis, cell-cell interaction analysis, and T-cell receptor repertoire. By applying multiple filtering strategies, we selected common single-cell blood features across the patients to reveal a unique T-cell state wherein GIMAP7 was up-regulated and NFKBIA was down-regulated. Furthermore, we identified a panel of cell-surface markers and dominant T-cell clonotypes on this unique T-cell subset (NFKBIA- GIMAP7+). We identified a unique VEGI signalling pathway between the T-cells and NK cells that uncovered potential triggers for developing exclusive T-cell states in female patients with AS. This finding could be valuable for developing innovative therapies that selectively target the aberrant immune response in female patients with AS.
